Monday 17 February 2014

Week 5 & Week 6: Assignment 1 and Recursion

These two weeks I worked hard on recursion and assignment 1. Though I really had a hard time on writing recursive functions, fortunately my codes work at the end.

The first 4 steps of the assignment are rather simple and we need to be careful when dealing with things related to starter code. (by the way the GUI window is impressively cool!) Step 5 is about using recursive functions to move cheeses between 4 stools within the least steps.

In last week's lab, we first practiced writing recursion, and I found it is actually difficult even though I could read and understand the recursion examples shown in class. I redid the problems and the class examples after the lab and lecture and improved. Through hard try I found a tip: don't trace too far. Do not trace a very complex example. It might frustrate you. I was usually thinking too complicated and tracing to even smaller subproblems when writing the recursive step, confusing myself, and often I lost my ideas on what to do to solve the problem. Finding the base case is not a problem to me, what I should do in this stage is simply following the instruction on how a problem is brought into smaller subproblem by calling the function itself and interpret it using codes. (P.S., If you really want to trace a function step by step, Visualizer is a helpful tool.)

To step 5 of the assignment, it's the same procedure. First moving n-i cheeses to an intermediate stool, then moving the remaining cheeses to the destination, and finally moving the n-i cheeses from the intermediate stool to the destination solves the problem. The example of Tower of Ann Hoy using three stools also gave me a good insight to implement the function.

This week we learned a new concept Tree. It's very like the SearchList we did in the lab before. It is relatively easy to understand after my practice of recursion for assignment one. The lab is not hard this week. We were asked to reimplement functions using for loop instead of list comprehension, like what we did in csc108.

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